Commission Prices

DM me on Instagram @fruitofthestars or email me at [email protected]!


Base Price: $7
Shaded: +$1
Additional character: +$3
bundle: 3 headshots for $17 (shaded)
Can include hands or shoulders!


base price: $10
Shaded: +$2
additional character:+$4
can include objects!


Base Price: $15
Shaded: +$2
Additional Character: +$5
Complex Background: +5
Can include objects!


Base Price: $20
Shaded: +$5
Additional Character: +$8
Complex Background: +$6
Can include objects, clothing is not extra!

Reference Sheet

includes: 1 front-facing view and a headshot
base price: $20
back-view +$5
outfits: +$5 per outfit on the full-size or $5 for chibi + $2.50 per outfit
anything extra: ask!!


Front Only: $15
Front and Back: $25
Outfit: +$5
Additional Details: +$2.50 per detail
eye ref, color palette, mouth ref are free extras.
Chibis, headshot, expressions, extra forms are extra.

For more examples, look at my ToyHouse!

pixel icons and smaller options here!
since pixels don't look good on caard.